custom builds

Custom software for medical device industry

As Medical Device industry software experts we know how to build secure software your teams and customers will love 😍

Our core technologies

why opologic

We only build software for the medical device industry

We are Australia’s leading medical device software company, building highly secure, efficiency driving, easy to use software specially for the medical device industry.

Our solutions look to bring the power of big tech to the industry, enabling better communication between stakeholders, reduction in errors, and cost reduction.

We understand the industry, the challenges it faces and the business processes involved. With this knowledge we’ll deliver you an industry leading product.

Our specialties

Industry specific capabilities

Get In Touch
Case Planning
Loan Kit Booking & Planning
Pre operative planning
Equipment scheduling tools
Workflow Managament
Surgeon surgical paln approval
Implant design and approval
Pre operative planning
Clinical Data Collection
PROM's scores
SMS + Email Communication
Data visualisation
Business Operations
Kit BOM Maintenance
Implant barcode scanning
Stocktake & consignment counts

The solutions you want, the way your customers want them.

Custom built software applications that are secure, future proof through cloud technology and delivered on the platforms your business needs.

iOS and Andriod Mobile App

Dynamic web applications

Integrate via API's

Integration Opportunities


Customised power and control in your business systems

Patient Specific Implant Planning Software

App and Web platform to unite the workflow of Surgeons ,Engineering teams, and manufacturer in the process of planning a PSI

Implant Scanning Stocktake Platform

Mobile application built to scan all medical device barcodes, for use in warehouse stock takes & consignment counts

Post operative clinical data collection

A platform allowing case bookings and clinical data to be captured in a mobile application by sales reps and clinical staff members
LET’S work together

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Let us show you what's possible with your own custom development

Custom Development

System Inegrations

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